Membership Benefits


For over 30 years, the General Thoracic Surgical Club (GTSC) has been the "Who's Who" of surgeons committed to the practice of general thoracic surgery. Becoming a member of GTSC means collaborating with prominent professionals in the field to promote excellence in research and the dissemination of research findings in the field of general thoracic surgery. 

GTSC Membership Benefits:

  • discounted registration for the Annual Meeting
    • the highlight of the GTSC is the annual meeting where the atmosphere is one of camaraderie and all meals are included
  • access to the slides from past annual meetings
  • access to the GTSC membership directory
  • all members of the GTSC will be included in the CTSNet membership directory, which includes prominent thoracic surgeons from around the world. 
  • free job postings on the GTSC website and e-mail blast to membership.
  • access to membership resources

Become a Member of GTSC!

Click on a button below to learn more

Current Members - Renew Your Dues:

To pay by credit card: Please renew your dues online by logging into the GTSC website in the upper right-hand corner of this page.
To pay by check: Please complete the below form and remit with check payment.
     Active Member
     Candidate Member

GTSC Executive Office:
1935 County Road B2 W, Ste 165 | Roseville, MN 55113
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